This is a 12-Week Journey
into your SELF.
Energy Healing 1 is an online self-paced course for you to learn about your energy field.

Who Would Benefit From This Course?
• Empaths who feel they absorb other people’s energy
• Highly Sensitive People (HSP)
• People who have Reiki level Attunements 1, 2, and 3 and want follow-up guidance and practice

Why I developed this course
In my 15+ years of being an energy healing practitioner, I see over and over, people who receive a weekend workshop attunement and then don’t know what to do after that. That was my experience also! There is no follow-up support! No guidance or direction. So many people don’t even practice on themselves or do anything with their reiki attunement. If this is your story this course is for you!
I also hear from people that identify as empaths and feel they are consistently taking on the energy of those around them and don’t know how to protect their own energy or “not leech thoughts, feelings or emotions from others around them”.
When you feel stuck and don’t know what the next step is to get unstuck and start moving toward your life purpose; connecting to your intuition energy healing and alignment is the answer. If your chakras are blocked, you have the power to self-heal and connect to your own energy field to start receiving answers from your intuition to move forward. In shining the light of awareness on how you truly think, feel and believe you start to free yourself. This course will take you deeper in your self-awareness journey. Leveling you up to Your Own Truth.
I find that most people jump right into practicing energy healing on others without being aware of their own energy field. They don’t know what the chakras are, how the chakras connect to different aspects of life such as self-confidence or speaking your truth, and don’t even know their own energy field and how it works. I will always tell you the best energy healers are familiar with their own field and have done their own inner work process.
You must put the oxygen mask on yourself first!
I always wished I had a guidebook or good mentor to offer me these tips, tricks, and daily practices! This course is my gift to you, the guidance I always wish I had! ♥

What Will You Learn?
- Learning what your toroidal field, channel, and the 7 chakras are.
- How to start sensing energy and learning what your intuitive style or gifts are.
- How to prepare your space and your field for energy work.
- You will start developing your opening prayer and closing prayer for calling in your guides and thanking them for their assistance.
- How to scan your chakras.
- How to open chakras.
- Beginners tips for energy transmutation.
- What your aura is and how to sense it.
- 4 energy flows to get you started.
Course Overview
The history of energy healing and some basics.
Week 1
What is your Torrodial Field, Your Channel, Your Aura, Overview of the 7 Chakras, How to start Sensing your energy field
Week 2
How to Preparing Your Space, Opening Prayers, Calling in Your Spirit Guides. Learning to Anchoring Meditation and Golden Bubble Meditation
Week 3
Your Intuitive Styles, How to Scan your Chakras. How Chakras Speak
Week 4
How Energy Releases & Transmutation of Energy, Chakra Opening Techniques
Week 5
Aura Work- How to feel and cleanse your Aura.
Week 6
Adding in the Master Symbols
Week 7
Channel Flows: Root to Crown Chakra
Week 8
Channel Flows: Crown to Root Chakras
Week 9
Channel Flows: Arm Flows
Week 10
Leg and Feet Flow
Week 11
Imbalances in the Chakras
Week 12
Closing out Sessions, Sealing the Chakras, Closing Prayer & The Full Meditation
**This course is focused on the chakras and your field and not with specific hand placements for physical or emotional issues. That content is discussed in a future course.
By the end of the Journey
- You will know yourself and your energy field in a whole new revolutionary way!
- You will easily identify “that’s mine” and “that’s theirs”
- You will be self-empowered in your own healing process
- You will be connected to your intuition and your own inner voice
- You will not as intimidated by busy places or worried about “”empath bleed”
- You will have more emotional space for dealing with things instead of jumping straight to frustration or overwhelm.

A Reiki 1 Attunement is not required but is highly recommended. Everyone is intuitive and able to connect to their own energy fields, although with Reiki attunements your chakras are opened up to accept more light and cosmic divine masculine energy and divine feminine Gaia energy. You will start to be more sensitive to the energies.
If you’ve already had your Reiki 1 attunement. Great! Please list when & where you received your attunement in the notes/comment box when purchasing.
**This will be done over zoom prior to entering the course. Unless there is an in-person event schedule which will be posted at this link. In-Person Reiki Attunements Schedule
KC, student/happy client

Support Provided
Email me any time with questions during your journey!
Included with the course is access to me via email Mon-Fri where you can ask any questions that arise during your self-healing journey.