Ganesha is the deity recognized as The Remover of Obstacles. He is easily recognized by his elephant head. All the the Ganesh Line teas remove obstacles like urinary tract infections, kidney stones, sinus infections and more. Urinary Tract infections are one obstacle I would never like to face again, that’s for sure.
Relaxes muscles, opens bronchial passages, and dispels congestion.
Ingredients: Coltsfoot. Mullein, Marshmallow 100% Organic
Coltsfoot – Expectorant. “believed to be a cough remedy to relieve cases of bronchial catarrh, hoarseness and clogged breathing passages. (Herbal Tea Gardens by Marietta Marcin)
Mullein – Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antiviral, soothes bronchial passages, expectorant, gets lymph moving.
“This tea is considered beneficial for pulmonary disturbances – coughs, asthmas, bronchitis and hay fever.” (Herbal Tea Gardens by Marietta Marcin)
Marshmallow root is a key ingredient in our Cough Support Tea, known for its ability to coat and protect the throat. It helps to reduce irritation and inflammation, making it especially helpful for dry, scratchy throats. If you’re looking for a natural way to calm your cough, marshmallow root could be exactly what you need.
Steep herbs in a tea kettle or pot of hot water (approx. 1 liter or 32 oz) for 30-60 min then strain herbs. 2 Cups per Day for 1 week or as needed every 30 min.
You want the water hot not boiling. These are delicate leaves not barks, so don’t boil or decoct for 30-60 min.
Emotional Component
Louise Haye has a wonderful book called, “You Can Heal Your Life”, where she describes the emotional component underlaying each health issue.
Coughs = A desire to bark at the world. “Listen to me!”
My Affirmation to counteract the feeling. You can say as you sip:
“My voice is powerful and valuable. I am heard, respected, and understood.”
“I express myself with confidence, and others honor my words and feelings.”
How to use loose leaf tea:
1) I either use a mason jar and 1 tablespoon of herbs, then strain it with a strainer into a tea cup
2) Use a french press and use boiled water, strain into coffee cup
3) Use a tea pot with herbal infuser
The best method for any herbal medicine is to have a consult and customized program with a certified herbalist.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product does not intend to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or on any medications, please consult with a qualified health professional before beginning any new herbal products.