Hi, I’m Zia Bossenmeyer,
Shamanic Energy Healer, Herbalist
& Spirituality Coach

My passion is using intuitive healing tools to help people heal from the past in order to be their most fully expressed whole self. Over the past 20 years, I’ve developed my intuition to read energy fields to help guide you back into harmony with your higher self and life’s blueprint.

1:1 Sessions with Zia

Online Courses Designed for Self-Empowerment at your own Pace.

Featured Courses

Online Courses Designed for Self Empowerment at your own Pace.
This is a sample of best sellers click on Shop to see all herbal products.

Herbal Products

Teas, Tonics & Tinctures.
Addressing health on the physical and energetic levels.

Flower Essences

Clears stuck mental patterns in your Mind Field

Clears emotions stuck in the body, cells, and subconscious

Clears ancestral karma, to eliminate repeating patterns

What my
Clients say

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