Eclipse Reading (March to Sept)



One tool that I use for myself that I have found invaluable is doing Lunar Eclipse readings. I find that these are a guide map or blueprint to look at and remind myself of what I may need to be focusing on. For the last few readings, it has given insights into:


  • Is it time to take action or rest?
  • Am I going to be overcoming grief, obstacles or challenges?
  • Will I find myself being supported by divine intervention and grace?
  • Is spirit giving me a pep talk?
  • Is this a time of inner work and development or outer action in areas of my life?
  • Is my energy best spent on community and friendships, or work/career, or love?


I love these guidemaps so much that I tape them up above my computer for visual reminders, especially when I feel stuck or not sure how to move forward. I love seeing how little pieces come to fruition and love to document what month they happen.

These come as a Written Report: A beautifully crafted 3-5-page overview you can reflect on during the eclipse season.

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