Intuition Styles
Your intuitive style will be an influence on how you connect with your angels.
Clairevoyant – You see images/movies/other in your mind’s eye 3rd eye, from your angels
- Dreamtime visits
- Visits with angels in meditation. Guided (meditations) or otherwise
- Seeing a “picture” or “video” in your mind
- Having a memory pop up in your mind
- Seeing a place in your mind
- Seeing lights or orbs
- Seeing numbers, feathers, imagery, spirit animal messages and more
Clairaudient – You hear the messages from your angels
- Hearing a voice different from your own, in your head, giving you answers to your questions
- Hearing a disembodied voice sending warning to keep you safe
- Hearing songs in your head
- Hearing a voice immediately upon awakening, saying something. Your name. Their name. Etc
- Hearing ringing in your ear
- Hearing phone ring, phone alerts or dings, bells.
Clairsentient – You feel guided through feelings, emotions, sensations in your body guided from angels
Examples of ways this might manifest:
- Feeling their presence with you in the room.
- Feeling warm and comforted
- Feeling a sense of safety or protection wash over, in a dangerous situation
- Feeling air pressure or temperature changes
- Feeling guidance through emotions, or feeling emotions lift or release from body
Claircognizant – You have a certain sense of knowing, or gut feelings delivered from angels
- Having a gut feeling to go to a particular place that day. Not knowing why. A park, a store, a friend’s house.
- Having a gut feeling it’s time to move to a particular city, state, country
- You meet someone new and already know things about them
- Very connected to ideas in the collective consciousness before they manifest in the world