The angels may appear to you in a variety of different forms. They may come as a color, a light, a human type body, with wings, without. They might appear to have glowing skin or glowy essence. They appear to you in a way that you will recognize who they are.
You might see them in your mind’s eye, you might hear their voice, you might feel their physical presence, or have insights and intuitions bubble up to the surface.
Your intuitive style will be an influence on how you connect with your angels.
Clairevoyant – You see images/movies/other in your mind’s eye 3rd eye, from your angels
Clairaudient – You hear the messages from your angels
Clairsentient – You feel guided through feelings, emotions, sensations in your body guided from angels
Claircognizant – You have a certain sense of knowing, or gut feelings delivered from angels
Writing : Automatic writing / Letter Writing
Dream time visits
Orbs or Flashes of Light
Trust. In the beginning, it requires a lot of trust. You have to move past, “Am I just making this up?” “This is just my brain playing tricks on me”. Step out of the mind and into the heart. As you continue developing your relationship with each angel it will become abundantly clear that it is their presence in your life and not being made up in your mind.
Pay attention to how the room feels. Does it feel warm or cold? Do you feel comforted or fear? Do you detect fragrance or yummy scent or not delightful scent? The angels will bring a comforting warm and nurturing energy and essence. If you feel otherwise, it is not angels.
Do you receive guidance that makes you see your “enemies point of view with love or compassion? Do you see the opposing point of view and feel more anger or resentment? Angels will bring points of view that bring insight, love and compassion. If you’re feeling more angry or resentment, you’re either trapped in the mind or tapping into lower energy densities.
Oxygenate your blood. Do lots of deep breathing exercises to calm and realax the body and mind. Exercise to get oxygen flowing.
Don’t try to force it. Just surrender and Trust.
Don’t give up too early. This is a relationship like any other. Give it time to grow and learn how we connect with each other. Give it time.
Self-fulfilling prophecy. Fear of not getting any messages, creates the resistance in the field so that you don’t. Trust that you will connect.
**Most importantly RELAX. Being calm and centered greatly affects the outcome of receiving messages**